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Jump gun-first into a stylish, bass-pumping action movie.

Pistol Whip is published by CloudheadGames. It is available for PC, Oculus, and PSVR.

Gameplay Examples

These examples are for inspiration and are not fully compliant with Rhythm League rules.

Suggested Events

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Settings & Mods

All gameplay settings (No Fail, Dual Wield, Deadeye, etc) are allowed for applications.

Swap to Approved Music

Rhythm League has a library of music specifically approved for Rhythm League broadcast.

Creating a custom map is not currently possible in Pistol Whip. However, it is possible to change the music in a level using a technique called “song swapping.” Here are two places to get started.

  • Join the Rhythm League Discord. Pistol Whip players are releasing song swaps with approved music on the #pistol-whip-song-swaps channel in our Rhythm League discord. You will need to join the group, and select the Pistol Whip role in #role-select to access the channel.

  • Join the Pistol Whip Modding Group. This Discord server is full of people and resources to help you get started with song swapping, or to commission a song swap.