Martials Arts means playing a level in a way that emphasizes combat styles of movement. Show off a real-life kata, or channel your favorite stylish action movie. However you play, you should look like your targets are threats and you are doing serious damage to them. Don't just hit, destroy.

Suggested Games

 Performance Tips

  • Use stances and attacks that evoke combat and martial arts forms

  • Make sudden, brutal movements

  • Punch through your target and keep going in the same direction - don’t just poke/tap the notes.

  • Dodge threats with your whole body


Inspiration videos are not perfect examples and almost never fully comply with Rhythm League rules. They’re just here to give you ideas. Remember to review the rules carefully.




You’ll receive 1-10 points in each category, with 5 being “typical among other entries in this event.” That score is then multiplied by a percentage weight. Higher percentages make a category more important to your total. The best possible score is 100%.

The scoring system is subject to change.

ClassCategoryPercentageMeaningTo get a 10 …
TechnicalDifficulty20%How challenging is the map to play? Play a very difficult map.
TechnicalAccuracy 20%How correctly did you play the map? Play the map with perfect placement and timing.
StyleCreativity10%How original is your performance?Show a fresh idea that takes advantage of the mixed reality format.
StyleArtistry10%Does your performance have aesthetic merit?Create an evocative, visually pleasing performance.
StyleCohesiveness10%How well did all aspects of your performance integrate together?Connect the gameplay, music, and map so they don't make sense apart.
StyleMastery10%Gameplay aside, how well do you understand what you are doing?Demonstrate a deep understanding of your particular style.
Martial ArtsBrutality10%Do you go beyond accurate tapping to utterly destroy your targets?Move with maximum energy and follow-through.
Martial ArtsPhysicality10%Do you make the virtual space seem real with weight and momentum?Engage with your surroundings and dodge threats with your whole body.